Letter Writing Interactive Bulletin Board
I first created the Letter Writing Interactive Bulletin Board to use within our own church family as we were studying the Letters of Paul in Bible classes. However, as I watched our children grow in encouraging and edifying others, I decided to share it with you!
Why were letters written during the first century?
Before His ascension, Jesus told His disciples, “you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) So, the disciples spread the good news of Jesus, hearts were converted, and churches were established in many areas. Letters were written to individual Christians and to local churches in order to encourage, instruct, and correct. Letters have played an important role in the furthering the work of God. In fact, twenty-one of the twenty-seven books in the New Testament are letters written to churches or individuals!
Growing in Letter Writing
I pray that letter writing is not becoming a lost art. If you’ve ever been sick or faced dark or trying days, then you know how a simple encouraging note can lift your spirits and make you feel loved. As small as it may seem, notes and letters can make a huge impact.
A love for letter writing can be developed at a young age. How young? That’s up to you, but little ones enjoy drawing pictures for others, and these sweet works of art are often cherished by the receiver. It’s also important to remember that some children may not be able to “write” a traditional note due to reading or writing deficits. However, these children can absolutely participate and grow in letter writing! They can trace, color a picture, or even decorate a note card with stickers.
Letter Sentence Starters
For children just learning to write letters or notes, it can be difficult to get started. It may be helpful to provide sentence stems. A few sentence starters:
- Thank you for…
- I miss you because…
- Today, I learned…
- I am excited about…
- You are good at…
- I am sorry for…
- I am thankful for…
- I am proud of…
- I love when…
- I remember when…
Letter Writing Center
I designed the Letter Writing Interactive Bulletin Board in order for my Bible students to grow in serving others as we were studying the Letters of Paul in Bible classes. This resource is geared toward young people so that they can send uplifting notes to members of the congregation throughout the study of the letters- or any other time. However, children and adults of all ages are encouraged to participate! Just write a note, include the name of the recipient, and drop it in the mailbox! Also, “mail carriers” can be assigned each week to hand deliver the notes at the church building. Any notes written for sick or shut-ins may be mailed or delivered by an older member.
Included in the Letters to the Christians Interactive Bible Bulletin Board:
- Post Office sign
- “Open” sign
- Scroll sign
- Mailbox image
- “Mail” slot sign
- “Send Your Letter” instructions
- Scroll clip art
- Grass clip art
- Postal-themed stationery
Also, you can purchase a mailbox or craft one using a cardboard box! This could be a fun craft to complete with your kiddos if you decide to create one, but I used an inexpensive metal mail slot.
I hope you’ll find these resources helpful for your family and Bible students! For more Bible resources, visit my shop here! You can also find Teach Me Thy Way on Teachers Pay Teachers.
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